The Enemy of Good

Healing, and re-healing, my inner perfectionist

Melissa Sirois
4 min readOct 2, 2024
Photo by Eduardo Casajús Gorostiaga on Unsplash

We are gathered here today to say “goodbye” — although goodbyes are rarely ever a one-and-done kind of thing; they tend to happen slowly, over time, and usually they require at least a little bit of inertia, momentum, effort. Like knocking over a Coke machine, as Jerry Seinfeld famously once said.

Sure, he was talking about romantic break-ups, but the same concept applies to all sorts of goodbyes.

And today, yet again, I find myself so desperately wanting to say “so long!” to my perfectionism…

In recent years, when meeting new people, discussing projects at work, or making a sarcastic joke, I’ve described myself as a “recovering perfectionist”.

“I’m ‘in recovery’!” Ha, ha, ha. Aren’t I so likable — like you can really relate to me?

But, honestly, I’ve been feeling like I’ve fallen off the wagon lately. My perception, especially creatively, has been so skewed, shaped and molded and, yes, warped by my perfectionistic mind. It’s almost like the more I am aware of her, the more she shows up.

What’s that saying again? “Wherever you go, there you are.” It gives me peace and frightens me at the same time.



Melissa Sirois

Marketing and journalism grad working in corporate communications. Funny person. Connector of dots. I write about life as I see it.